Friday, February 1, 2013

Workplace Pregnancy Bill Introduced Despite Opposition

When Heather Wiseman began to suffer from bladder infections as a result of her pregnancy, the Walmart sales associate started carrying a water bottle during the day to stay hydrated. But the Walmart that employed Wiseman technically allowed only cashiers to have water bottles, and a note from Wiseman’s doctor made no difference. Caught with a water bottle again, the pregnant Wiseman was firedfrom her job in 2007 for insubordination based on her failure to follow the water bottle rule.

Another woman, Victoria Seredny, was told not to move heavy objects — something she did a few minutes a day in her job as a nursing home activities director — by her doctor after a near-miscarriage. When she asked for help, she said her boss refused to allow her colleagues to assist her, even those who volunteered. Serendy was fired soon after for failure to perform her duties.

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