Monday, March 25, 2013

Tips to Avoid Injury in the Workplace

Accidents at work cost a business time and money, and cast a dubious shadow over a business’s moral, and not to mention legal obligations in the eyes of employees, officials and members of the public. Workers have the right to work in a controlled environment that minimizes hazards and dangers, and employers have a duty to keep employees trained, educated and informed on an official basis.

Remember that it is not just your interest and livelihood at stake, but the interests and livelihood of everyone in contact with and related to your business. It is easy to prevent accidents at work – all you need is some good old-fashioned common sense and the right health and safety training – and this guide covers your obligations and the most important steps to take.
Risk Assessment
A thorough risk assessment is crucial to understanding the dangers in your workplace and implementing an effective safety solution. Depending on the number of employees in your business, your assessment and implementation may or may not need to be officially recorded and/or displayed in the workplace.

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