Monday, January 7, 2013

Improving Office Morale

Morale is a tricky thing. Many people talk about wanting to improve office morale, but they go about it in the wrong way. The truth of the matter is that you cannot “trick” people into having better morale through things like posters or dress-up days. When you want to improve office morale, there are several key elements that you need to keep in mind.

Free the Internet
If you have an office where there is access to the Internet, tell your office workers that they are allowed to use it as they see fit. Workers who take five minutes here or three minutes there to update their Twitter or their Facebook account are generally more productive than workers that have to stare at the same spreadsheet throughout the day! This is a small thing that can really mean a lot to your office workers. It means that you respect them as people, and it also means that they have far more freedom that the do at other jobs. Be clear that this is a privilege that can be yanked if it is abused, but otherwise, let them do as they please. People are more responsible than you might think.

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